Motivational Monday: A Change in Pace


Therefore be ye also ready:
for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 24:44

What if we could somehow know exactly when Jesus was coming back for His children?

Would that change your daily routine?

What preparations would you be making?

This week is bringing about a change in pace for our family. Stating today, we are making preparations, changing gears you might say.

School starts for us on Friday.

Every year, on the week of school starting back, we make the kids slowly get back in the routine of going to bed early, getting up early, and making preparations for a new school year.I have preparations to make myself. I make sure that my house is in order, that the cabinets are stocked with healthy foods for breakfast, snacks, and lunches. I make sure that I am prepared to get up, get my stuff done, and get out the door on time.

It never fails, however, that each year, when it comes time to prepare for school to start again, we are faced with the same questions from the kids: “Why do we have to go to bed early? Why do we have to get up early? Why do we have to make sure that all our school supplies are in our bags and ready for the first day of school?”

It is to make sure that we are ready. Changes are coming and I want us to be prepared. I do not want us to be caught off guard. We know the time is at hand, therefore, we make preparations for the changes.

We have the same responsibility when it comes to the return of Jesus.

We have preparations to make, and we have things to get in order.

The difference is this: We do not know when that time will be. That is why it is so important to make sure that we stay ready, that we keep an eye on the skies. The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:10 that Jesus will come as a thief in the night. Just as a thief would not announce his coming into your house, Jesus has not made the time of His return known to man. We simply must be prepared and ready to go in an instant.

Our family was coming home from Church last night and as we rounded a curve in the road, the trees thinned out and we could see the eastern sky. It was painted with blues and purples, all swirled together and the clouds were standing tall in a few different places among all the beautiful colors. As we drove, my husband and I began to talk about Jesus’ return, and I silently prayed, “Lord, will today be the day?” I began to think how amazing it will be, when that day arrives, to see Jesus split the eastern sky and come to take His children home.

Are you ready?

Have you made your preparations? There will be no time to make changes when Jesus comes back for His church. The time for preparation is now.

Are you keeping an eye on the eastern sky?

Jesus is coming back, and I believe that it will be soon.

I pray today that you are ready to go. I pray that you have made your preparations, that you have your house in order. If you do not, I pray that right now you will take the time to do this:  Accept Jesus as your Savior, ask Him to come in and dwell inside of you. Give your life to Him. With this done, you gain the assurance that when Jesus does return for His children that you will be ready.

If you have made preparations, if you do have your house in order and you are ready to go, Praise God! Let us keep working until He returns, but let us also keep an eye on the sky. I do not know about you, but I am ready to go.

I pray that you are as well.

God bless you today.

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