In the Stillness

Photo by: Photo{ART}graphy

Photo by: Photo{ART}graphy

 “Be still, and know that I am God:

I will be exalted among the heathen,

I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10

Every morning I get up many hours before my children do. I do this for a few reasons. If you are a parent you will understand one of them.

It is about more than just having time alone,however. It is about my time with God. It is about getting still, being quiet, and listening.

Before the day gets busy with cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, refereeing arguments, and answering endless questions, I need time to get alone with God.

How often do we really get still any more?

With the introduction of television, cell phones, computers, and video games, we have become a busy people.

I have discovered in my own life that time alone with God is crucial.

When I was younger, and my children were much smaller, we would all wake up at the same time and the day would start. I noticed that I felt out of balance, as if something was missing.

I will never forget the day I was sitting in church and the Lord spoke to me. My dad, who is also my pastor, preached a sermon entitled: Consider your ways. He read from Haggai 1: 1-15. His sermon was about how the people had built a foundation for a temple, but then left it to work on their own houses. And God was telling them, “Consider your ways.”

I felt God say to me, “You have neglected your temple. Consider your ways.”

I realized that day that I needed to make some changes. Yes, I was a Christian. No, I had not rebelled against God, but I had neglected to maintain my temple. I had been building my spiritual life since I was a child, but somehow in the busyness of marriage, children, and life, I had walked away from it.

I made the decision to clean up my temple, to find time every day to get alone with God. I learned to get still, get quiet, and listen for His voice.

That decision changed my life.

Yes, there are still times when life seems more than I can handle. Yes, I still have to take care of all the things that I use to, but I find it easier now. I find that I do not feel as overwhelmed by life, by trials, and by the troubles that life can throw at me.

I believe this is because I am maintaining my temple, I am putting God first, and I am spending quiet time alone with Him.

Do you have a special time in your day when you get quiet, when you get alone with God and let Him speak to your heart?

I want to encourage you today. I pray that if you have not made this a priority in your life, that you will make the decision today to change that. I can promise you that you will not regret it.

Yes, there will be times when you forget or something happens and you get out of routine. I believe the important thing is that you do your best.

Make it a point every day to get alone with God. He wants to speak to you, to encourage you , to love you , and to guide you.

Please consider what has been said today, and make a decision right now to begin maintaining your temple.

Here is a song that I believe God placed in my heart this morning. I pray it will be a blessing to you.

God-sized dreams: Listening For God’s Voice

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10


Do you ever get tired of the noise that seems to consume us every day?

How are we suppose to hear from God if we never take the time to get quiet and listen for His voice.


I have learned that in order to do God’s will in my life, I must get alone with Him and listen to what He has for me.

I begin every morning in my house the same way:

I get up and turn my coffee pot on.

I grab my computer and boot it up.

I take my place on the couch and I soak up the rare silence that comes in a house of five.


No matter how much I attempt to write on my own, nothing makes sense until I get alone with God and seek His guidance and His message for the day.

I first thank Him for giving me the ability to serve Him in this way;

I then ask God to give me the words that He would have me to say.



I am amazed at the awesomeness of our God, and I feel very blessed to get to share His Word with you every day,

but  I sometimes get hasty and tend to run ahead of God.

I am quickly reminded that He is the Author here, I am just the means by which He chooses to speak.

I am reminded to take time to sit, and listen for God’s voice.

It is only then that I can successfully write something that makes sense.



You see, without God we are nothing. We can not possibly accomplish our dreams until we give complete control to God our Father.

He is the Author of our lives. He knows every page that dwells within us. He wrote every word with His mighty pen.



Do you have dreams of your own? Maybe you are wondering if they will ever come to pass.


Let me offer you some encouragement today from God’s Word:

God has promised us in His word that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

God’s Word also tells us that if we will seek Him we will find Him ( Matthew 7:7 )

And finally God’s Word tells us to, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33 )



I want to encourage you today to start in the right place.

Find time to get alone with God, and listen.

Listen for His words, listen for His calling, and listen for the guidance you are looking for.



I can tell you without any reservation that God will lead you in the direction He wants you to go.

All you have to do is get still, and listen for His voice. wpid-God-Sized-Button-1.jpg