Give Your All

miracle_of_the_loaves_and_fishes“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7

Sunday night at church I had the privilege of teaching our children’s class. Since I was working with preschool and kindergarten ages I decided to teach them about Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fish. We talked about how Jesus performed a miracle with just one little boys lunch. I explained to them that God will provide for their needs no matter how big they are and no matter how little they have to give.

Last night, as I thought back on the lesson I had taught the kids and how God does supply all our needs, He brought another point to my mind. When we hear the story of the multitude being fed with such a small amount of food, we are often in awe at that miracle. Last night, my attention was drawn back to the little boy who gave his lunch to Jesus. Not a lot is said about the little boy, but having children of my own I can only imagine what must have been going through his mind as he watched the whole story unfold before his little eyes.

Put yourself in this little boy’s place for a moment if you will:

You wake up one morning, get dressed and ready for your day. Just before you run out the door, your mom hands you a small basket or bag of some sort and assures you that there is enough food in it for your lunch that day. Being a little fella you do not think much about it. You kiss your mom good-bye and you run out the door.

As you wander along, carrying your lunch, you happen upon a crowd of people. This is not just a couple of people standing around visiting. No, this is a very large group of people (a multitude the Bible says.) Being the curious child you are, you push your way through the people until you get close enough to the front to see what all the fuss is about. As you peek through the crowd, you see Him. It is Jesus and He is speaking, teaching the people who have gathered here. You stand there, gazing into the face of this man with the kind eyes, and you listen to His words as you try to understand what He is teaching these people.

As the day carries on you get so caught up in the words of this kind man who you forget all about the time. As it gets later in the day, maybe your stomach lets out a little growl reminding you of the lunch that your mom packed for you just this morning. As you find a quiet place to sit, away from the crowd, you open your lunch and find your favorite meal: fish and bread. Just about the time you begin to take the first bite, one of Jesus’ disciples comes up and asks you for your lunch.

What would you do? Would you gladly hand it over to this man, or would you tell him no? Would you be willing to part with the only food you had for that day, or would you tuck your little lunch under your arm, turn and walk away? We are not told what the little boy’s response is to the disciple, but we do know that the lunch was given and it was taken to Jesus.

Maybe the little boy had heard about Jesus. Maybe he had heard his parents talking about a man who performed miracles. Maybe the little boy, having the faith of a child, gladly handed his lunch over to the disciple knowing that it was going to Jesus. Can you imagine the surprise on the little boy’s face when he saw Jesus take his little lunch, bless it, and begin to pass it out?

I do not know where the little boy fell in the line of getting some of the meal, but it being the little boy’s lunch to begin with he knew that there were only fives loaves of bread and two fish. How must he have felt as he saw Jesus break it into pieces and give it to His disciples? I can only imagine how excited he must have been when the disciples came to him and handed him his part. How glad must he have been to sit down and share in this meal with this great crowd of people? The Bible tells us that they ate until they were full.

What do you think was going through this little boys mind as he watched the disciples gather the left over food? What must he have been thinking as he counted the baskets as they were filled and brought back to Jesus?

What started out as five loaves of bread and two fish had not only fed over five thousand people, but had also resulted in twelve baskets of left over food. Wow, what a miracle!

What do I want us to get from this story today? Well, There are a couple of things that God revealed to me as I put myself in this little boy’s place.

First, I believe that God wants us to have the faith of a child. This little boy had no idea what was going to happen when he gave away his lunch. But he gave it willingly.  I believe that God wants us to give what we have. Even when we do not know God’s plan he wants us to trust that He can and will use it for His honor and His glory.

The second thing that God laid on my heart about this story is that the little boy gave his whole lunch. He did not just give the disciples a fish and a couple of loaves of bread and say, “I will keep the rest.” No, that little boy gave all that he had. In turn, God took it, blessed it, and multiplied it.

You see, God wants what we have. However, he does not just want part. God wants us to willingly give all that we are and all that we have to Him. I understand that just the thought of this can be a little scary and overwhelming, but just as Jesus took this little boys lunch and used it in ways the little boy could not imagine, God can do the same thing for each of us. If we will hand our lives over to God fully, He will take them and do unimaginable miracles in our lives.

I want to encourage you today. No matter how little you think you have, give it to God. Hand it over to Him fully. I promise that you will be amazed at the work God will do. I pray today that no matter what you have to offer that you will be willing to give your all.

Your Failures Do Not Define You


Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14

Do you ever feel like a failure? I think it is safe to say that every one of us has felt this way at one time or another. I am sure there are many of us who would say that we feel this way more often than we would like to admit.

We all fail from time to time. Part of trying is knowing that there is a chance that we will fail. How many times throughout history have people accomplished great things after failing time and time again? One of my favorite examples of this is Thomas Edison. I once heard this quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”(Thomas A. Edison) We all know this popular quote was spoken about the discovery of the light bulb. What would have happened had he given up?

Many times in life we are going to fail. We are going to set out toward a goal only to trip and fall, or come up short. What really matters is that we get back up and try again. Philippians 4:13 tells us: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

 I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you today. Yes, in this life we are going to fail and yes, we are going to come up short from time to time. Our failures are not what is important. What is really important is that we learn a lesson from our mistakes and that we keep on trying. Remember that with God all things are possible. Let us remember to do as Paul did and keep reaching toward the mark that God has set before us.

I pray today that we will remember that no matter what our goals are, we are not failing unless we quit trying. No matter how slow the progress, or how many times we must rest and try again, let us just keep going.

A Season of Change

life-changes“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life brings about all sorts of changes. Have you noticed that? Just when you think that you are settled in, on a steady course, life throws you a curve ball and turns you up-side-down. Here is the silver lining: God already has a plan. He already knows how that bump in the road is going to be used to better your life. A bump in the road to us is no surprise to God.

When I heard God whisper, “God has a plan for you in 2014” in my ear on New Year’s Eve I had no idea that God was talking to me. I just thought it was another one of those clever little quotes that God was giving me to pass along to someone else that I was needing to encourage. Boy was I mistaken.

My husband and I have been praying for a while now for a new house. The house we were in was a nice, cozy little home. It was the house my husband had grown up in since the age of fifteen. It was also getting very old. We had made some minor upgrades to it over the years, but quickly realized that we were going to have to put more money into it than it was worth. We were headed for a season of change, and we were scared to death.

We considered many options and prayed for God to guide us, but no matter how much we prayed we could never get peace about a particular decision. So, we did nothing. We decided that until we could both be at peace about a decision that we would just keep praying about it. I knew that God would lead when His timing was perfect.

As time went on I began to feel as if God was not listening. I questioned whether I was asking with the right motives. I made sure that I was asking with a sincere heart. I did everything I knew to do to hear from God. Still, all I heard was silence. It was as if God was telling me to just wait. More times that I should have, I said to God, “But God, you don’t understand. I need an answer,” and still there was silence.

Many times I went to my mom in tears, seeking advice on hearing from God. Here is a piece of advice that she gave to me and I will pass it on to you: “When you ask God to do something in your life, you better be serious about it, because when He says ‘move’ you better be ready to move.” I had no idea what she meant at the time, but let me assure you, we quickly found out.

As we prayed for guidance and waited to hear from God we began to have some issues at our house. They started off as minor electrical issues, but quickly grew into more serious problems, until one day we were given the advice that we better start seriously considering finding a new home.

I had spoken to one of the ladies at our church about helping us pray for direction and had asked advice on knowing when God was speaking. She said something to me that I will never forget. She told me, “Sometimes God wants you to take that first step of faith and then He will guide you the rest of the way.”

That is what my husband and I decided to do. Scared to death, we set out looking for a new home. For anyone who has ever bought their first home, you know how scary it is to take that first step.

Remember the advice that my mom gave about asking God to move? Well, we learned very quickly what she meant by that. We had gone a few times to look at mobile homes and had found a few we liked but had never seriously inquired about them. We decided after having the electrical problems that we better get serious and try to find a house.

We revisited one of the places we had looked before and within four hours had found a couple of houses we liked, and had started the necessary paper work to buy our first home. By the time we got home that day our heads were spinning, but I knew that God had been with us that day and I felt His peace was over me. I knew that we had done exactly what was suggested to us. We had stepped out in faith and God was beginning to lead.

It has been just a little over a week since we went to look at houses. Since that day, we have packed everything we own into boxes, torn down our old house and moved in with my parents until we get the new house moved in. We are praying that the new house can be here within a week. Just in case you missed it, let me add this in here: “ When you ask God to do something in your life, you better be serious about it, because when He says ‘move’ you better be ready to move.”

I could sit here and tell you story after story of how God has worked in our favor over the past couple of weeks. Numerous things have happened and there is no doubt that God is at work. We still have a long way to go before this season of change is over for us, but God has His hand on us and I am certain that we are right in the center of God’s will for our lives.

I wanted to share this story with you today for a few reasons:

The first reason is to encourage you. Maybe you are praying for God to move in your life. Let me assure you of this, if you ask with a sincere heart, and if you will be patient, God will move. But, let me warn you just as my mother warned me. When you ask God to move, you better be ready to move. Let me also encourage you to be patient. God’s timing is perfect. Even when we feel like God is not listening or He is being quiet, He is still working for us. Just because we can not see Him does not mean that He is not there. God has a plan for you too in 2014 and He will reveal it to you in His time.

Second, I would like to ask you to help us continue to pray. We have come a long way already but we still have a way to go. I can see God at work, I can feel His peace in our lives, and I can sense His protective hand over us as we move each day. Please help us pray that the rest of this process will go smoothly and that we will keep our ears and our hearts tuned in to what God wants us to do.

Thirdly, I pray that this story I shared with you today will encourage you to step out in faith. If there is something that you feel like God wants you to do but you have been too scared to do it, take that first step of faith. It may not be buying a house. There are numerous things that God could be calling you to do. Sometimes God wants you to take that first step of faith and He will guide you from there. If you will keep God first, He will not steer you in the wrong direction.

The Calm in the Storm


 “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39

Do storms ever creep up in your life? Have you ever been enjoying the sunshine of life and before you know it, the clouds have rolled in and the rain begins to fall. What do you do?

The disciples faced this same problem. In Mark 4:35-41 we read that one day, Jesus and the disciples had set out across the sea in a ship when a storm came up. Can you imagine the fear that must have taken over those men as the clouds rolled in and the rain began to fall? I am sure the waves began to toss the ship from side to side. How fearful must they have been when the water began to come into the ship and slowly rise? Finally the men went down to where Jesus was sleeping in the bottom of the ship and awoke Him. They said to Jesus, “Do you not care that we are going to die?” We read that Jesus rises and rebukes the wind. He says, “Peace, be still,” and the storm immediately stops and a calm falls over the water. Then Jesus asks His disciples an interesting question, “How is it that ye have no faith?”

Sometimes in our lives storms blow in. One day life is going great. Things are going your way. But then the clouds start to build. Slowly the sun disappears behind the clouds and the rain begins to fall. What once felt carefree and easy now seems scary and uncertain.

I believe we need to learn a lesson from this story we read today. When the storms of life come our way, instead of letting them scare us and throw us off course, I believe that we need to keep our faith and focus on God. We need to place our faith in Him and allow Him to be the calm in our storm. There is nothing we can face that God does not already know about. There is nothing that is going to come up in our lives that is going to surprise God. He knows every single moment of our lives and He already has a plan.

I want to encourage you today. If you are facing a storm in your life do not let the wind and the waves frighten you. Place your trust in Jesus. Let Him be the calm in your storm. He may not always calm the storm, but I promise you that He will bring a peace to your heart like you have never known.

Remember this: “Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child.”

God has a Plan


There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.”

Proverbs 19:21

Are you enjoying your new year? I pray that you are.

I have something I want to share with you today.

~God has a plan for you.~

For some of you this is going to be easy to believe. For others, it is not going to be quite so easy. However, it is the truth. Whether you can see as clearly as day the road which God is leading you down, or whether you feel like you are traveling through the darkest night, God has a plan.

I have been in both places. I understand how each one feels.

Maybe you started out the new year with a bang. Everything is going great. You are excited about the new year and you know exactly where you are going. Oh, the joy that we feel when we are high on the mountain top of life. The skies are clear, the sun is shining, and we are certain that we are right where God wants us to be. Looking ahead we can clearly see the road paved for us, and we travel it with joy in our hearts.

Maybe your year has not started out so well. Maybe you have run into an unexpected storm. Maybe life has handed you a situation that you were not expecting. What happens when God’s plan seems so far out of reach that you fear you may never find it? Instead of a mountain top you find yourself in a valley. What was once clear skies and sunshine has suddenly turned into storm clouds and darkness. Where you could once see the road ahead, now it seems a fog has set it and you can only see one step at a time.

Let me assure you today, God is there! Whether on a mountain top or in a valley, God never leaves us. He has given us that promise in His word. Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

So many times we allow the devil to make us believe that God is with us when life is easy and all is going well, but somehow leaves us because the clouds have come and a few rain drops are falling. This is simply not true. God is with us all the time.

Sometimes in life, we must go through the valleys. Sometimes we must endure the rain in order to enjoy the sunshine again. Jesus knew that life would be this way. In John 16:33 Jesus says, These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 

No matter where you find yourself in this new year, I assure you that God will reveal His plan for your life in His time, if you will keep seeking and will remain faithful. If you are on the mountain top, praise God. If you find yourself in the valley, praise God anyway. He is there, no matter how you feel.

Remember: God has a plan. Whether mountain top or valley, whether sunshine or raindrops, God is working in your life. No matter how long the road, no matter how steep the hill, God’s plan is perfect. He will give you the grace and the strength you need if you will place your faith and trust in Him.