Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Happy ThanksgivingO give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 118:1

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. We are all busy decorating, cooking, and preparing for family meals together. I have been blessed with some unexpected family time this week. This week is Thanksgiving break for my kids and me. Also, due to some rainy weather my husband has been unable to work, so we spent all day together yesterday making memories. I have been making preparations for the many different foods I have been asked to cook for Thanksgiving dinners with family. I have enjoyed watching my husband and my children play together here at home.

When I think about Thanksgiving I think about family. Thanksgiving for us has always been a time of food and fellowship, and football, as I am sure it has been for most people.

Today I want us to take a minute and reflect on the real reason for Thanksgiving. I understand that we all enjoy the food, the visits with family, and the occasional football game, but I do not want this to cause us to lose sight of what thanksgiving is really about.

As we enjoy this thanksgiving season I want us to remember to have  an attitude of gratitude. We need to make sure that between cooking and cleaning up, visiting with family, and cheering on our favorite football team that we do not forget to thank God for all His many blessings. We must remember that it is only because of Him that we are able to celebrate with the friends and family that we have.

My dad offered a challenge to our children Sunday at children’s church and I would like to extend this challenge to you as well. Some time other than meal time, stop for a moment and thank God for something. It is amazing how much we realize that we have to be thankful for when we start counting our blessings.

Thanksgiving is a time of fellowship, fun, food, and family. Let us take the time this week to thank God for the ability to enjoy each of those things. We are a blessed people. Let us today give God the honor and the glory for the blessings we receive.

I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. I am going to take the rest of this week off from blogging and enjoy the blessings that God has given me. I pray that as we go through the rest of this week that we will remember to give thanks to God for the blessings that he has bestowed upon us. I pray that you will have an attitude of gratitude.

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

blogger's award

“Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another,

even as also ye do.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Wow, EFED have been nominated for its first award!

Thank you Jazzybeatchick for the nomination. It means a lot to me that you have chosen my blog for this award.

First, I want to take a moment and thank God for all His many blessings. What an honor to be able to spread God’s love to people all over the world. My prayer is that I will continue to bless others as we share in God’s word together.

Also, there are a few people I would like to thank:

  • My husband, for always being supportive and encouraging in whatever I feel the Lord leads me to do. You are a blessing to have as a husband. I look forward to many more years together.
  • My aunt/Editor, for being so gracious as to fix my many grammatical errors and for encouraging me along the way. Thank you for teaching me what being a Godly woman is all about.
  • Mandi Parkhurst who runs Proverbs For Life, for encouraging me to listen to God and to start my own blog. Thank you for being such a great role model and example of a Godly woman.
  • My parents and my brother for not only teaching me about God, but also showing me what it means to serve God and follow where He leads. We have and always will be a team 🙂

Here are the rules that are to be followed by the recipient of this award.


  1. Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
  2. Answer ten questions.
  3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
  4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
  5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

~~Ten questions to be answered~~

  1. Your favorite color …. Purple
  2. Your favorite animal … Butterfly
  3. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink …. Dr. Pepper
  4. Facebook or Twitter ….. Facebook
  5. Your favorite pattern ….. Polk-a-dot
  6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents?… I enjoy both but would rather give. (Acts 20:35)
  7. Your favorite number … 5
  8. Your favorite day of the week … Sunday
  9. Your favorite flower …. Daisy
  10. What is your passion? ….. Encouraging others and sharing the love of God with those around me.

I nominate the following women and their blogs for this wonderful Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award: ( In no certain order)

Each of these ladies has been such a blessing to get to know. Thank you for allowing God to use you for His glory.

1. Heavenly Raindrops

2. Revelations in Writing

3. CHRISTian~ poetry by deborah ann

4. Proverbs For Life

5. DeborahOnline

6. rayofsonshine

7.  Women’s Window

8. Proverbs Way

9. Future.Flying.Saucers

10. Sweet Rains

Motivational Monday: Make it Count


“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Have you ever heard anyone say, “You have one shot; make it count”?

My husband will tell our boys this when he is out hunting with them. When they have shot and missed and have one bullet left, he will tell them, “You have one shot; make it count.” When we would take the kids fishing and the day was winding down, the kids would say, “Can I cast one more time?” and of course we would tell them,”Sure, you have one more shot; make it count.”

This phrase came to my mind when I woke up this morning. I have been thinking about today and how differently we may do things if we knew that it was our last shot.

What if today was your last shot?

What if today was the last chance you had to make a difference?

What if today was your last day to live for the Lord?

Would you do anything different?

Would you change anything about the way you are living?

I always try to write on Mondays about something that will motivate us. I want us to think for just a moment about the question that I have given. I pray that it will motivate us to think throughout our day about how we are living.

Are you doing everything you can to live for God?

Are you sharing God’s love with those around you?

Are you taking the time to show your family that you love them?

As we ponder this thought I pray that God will speak to us about our lives. I pray that if there are things we need to change that we will listen. I pray that if in examining our hearts we find that there are areas we need to turn over to God that we will not put those things off for one more day. We do not know when it may be our last shot. We do not know when our time may be up and God will call us into eternity.

I pray that these words have motivated you today. I pray that this has given you a little food for thought today.

If thinking about your “last shot” causes you some concern, if there are things that you know you need to change, I encourage you to take the time to do that. It is not too late.

God has blessed us with another day. I pray that we will use it to bring honor and glory to His name.

I ask you again in closing: What if today was your last shot? Would you make it count?

One Way…The Only Way

one way

“Thomas saith unto him, ‘Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?’Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:5-6

Have you ever had to stop and get directions? I know, I know, this is a touchy subject between men and women. It is an age-old debate that I am sure will never end. Ladies say, “Stop and ask for directions.” Men say, “I can find it myself.”

I will tell you right now, I can not get anywhere by myself. I jokingly say that when God made me, He left out my sense of direction. As funny as that may sound I am here to assure you that it is true. If I am not familiar with the area or if I do not have a GPS, I promise you that you do not want me to drive. My husband on the other hand is great with directions. Thank God, I married a truck driver. I have yet to see him get lost. While I say I have no sense of direction, I jokingly call him my human GPS. I never have to worry when we get in our car to go somewhere. Even if my husband does not know exactly where we are going, he always seems to find his way there.

In the verses that I have used today, Jesus is talking to His disciples before He is to be crucified. His disciples seem to be a bit confused by what they are being told. We, on the other hand, can see more clearly what Jesus was talking about because unlike the disciples we are looking back at this story. They were trying to understand what was coming in their future. Jesus is trying to help His disciples understand the things that are about to take place. He is offering them some encouragement as well. (John 14:1) Somewhat confused, Thomas asked Jesus how they are supposed to know how to get to where He is going if they do not even know where He is going. Jesus lovingly responds to Thomas and says, “I am the way.”

Friends, Jesus is still saying the same thing to us today. He is the way, THE ONLY WAY. Too many times we are taught that there are many roads to Heaven. Too many times we are taught that we can change this or tweak that and still find Salvation. My Bible tells me that there is ONE way to Salvation and it is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:13-14 tells us, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” 

I want to encourage you today. Let Jesus be your GPS. Allow Him to show you the way to Salvation. Just as Jesus told his disciples, “I am the way.” He is telling us still today. Do not let yourself be deceived. There are many who will try to tell you that many roads lead to Heaven. God’s word tells us that there is only one way.

I pray today that you are allowing God to lead you. I pray that you are allowing Him to have the driver’s seat. You see, He does not need a map to show you the way; He is the way.

If in reading this today you realize that you are on the wrong road, if you realize that in trying to make your own way you have gotten lost, there is still hope. Pull over, stop and ask God for directions. I promise you that He will meet you right where you are. If you ask Him, He will climb in the driver’s seat and He will lead you where you need to go.

God bless you today.

Motivational Monday: Saying, “Thank You”

Veterans day

“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Today, on this Veterans Day, I want to take a moment to say, “Thank you” to all of the men and women who have served our country. I can not imagine the sacrifices that you made. Thank you for protecting our freedom. Thank you for standing up for our country when others would not or could not.

There are not enough words to say to express the gratitude and respect I have in my heart for all the ones who have given their time and their lives for our country.

To the families of the countless fallen heroes I would like to say, “Thank you.” I want to encourage your heart today by reminding you that this sacrifice was not in vain. Others may forget the sacrifices made, but God knows. He sees. He will never forget. I pray today that God will wrap you in His comforting arms.

To the families of our veterans I would like to say, “Thank you.” Thank you for the sacrifices that you made. Thank you for the support that was shown to your loved ones as they deployed to do the job they felt they had been called to do.

On this Veterans Day I want us to remember to thank our Veterans. Take the time today to let someone know how much you appreciate the sacrifice they made for our country. Find a way to honor a veteran today. Remember to offer a word of encouragement and support to the families of our fallen heroes as well. May we never forget the sacrifices that were made for our country.